White Out
Prosperity sits
Not 50 yards
From the front
My frozen fingers
Can’t feel the line
A younger self tied between
The two
Inside the kettle
Whistles, and songs
Sometimes make a third
Hum with the howl
I haven't been writing as much the last couple of weeks due to the resurrection of my professional portfolio in need of a decade's worth of renovation, and the inception of a serious fitness regime. The masters say, "From one thing learn 10,000," and it often seems there are ten thousand pieces involved in doing the one thing. Video, photos, essays, lessons, all dragged out and polished up for the chance to distinguish me from the hundreds of other desperate teachers out of work in California.
My older sister was kind and cruel enough to show me by way of personal example what a proper diet and four to five days of reasonable workouts can do for a 40+ body. The gauntlet was thrown down, and I've been picking it up with lean and lovely form and repetition though running, tae bo, and daily yoga. Another friend told me that it was her goal to be in the best physical, mental, and spiritual shape as she turned 30. My decision was less proactive, but probably similarly inspired by my birthday's approach. I'll never forget a friend from church's gleeful exclamation, "I'm so excited to turn 40!" She explained it felt like the beginning of a peaceful mindset less concerned by triviality, and more self-assured. I concur.
The poem I started with reveals another concern often emphasized by age. Wisdom counsels strongly against comparing ourselves to others, but despite following numerous rabbit trails off the path of stability, I marvel at how many friends settled in long term jobs and homes surround me. This economy has been pummeling me the last four years, and knocks me down every time I get up off the mat. So, in true artist's spirit, I wrote a poem that describes the view down here.
In the black tunnels of this cave, though, there are gems to be found. I never expected to develop a yoga practice, yet here I am stretching a flexing in odd positions every morning. Discovering that it's possible to do from home, thanks to Rodney Yee's Daily Yoga, led me to continue my search for a similar practice for guitar. What? Guitar is really yoga for your fingers, and I would never attempt to throw together some poses for myself and call it a routine, so why do I expect that of myself on guitar? I looked up a daily guitar workout, and found a couple of options with good reviews. As soon as 30 Day Guitar Workout and Guitar Aerobics arrive, I'll report back to you.
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